February 14, 2025
The most popular animals hunted in Europe
Europe is an excellent place for hunting enthusiasts. It includes 50 independent states, each attractive to all hunters. There are many game species in different countries, which opens up unlimited opportunities for hunting enthusiasts to do their favorite thing. Each animal found in Europe has its characteristics, so a unique approach and the right choice of extraction method are required. This is the only way for hunters to get a good trophy and experience maximum pleasure from the time spent. This guide will tell about the most popular animals allowed to be hunted in certain European countries. This information will help beginners and experienced hunters choose priority species and increase their chances of success.
Wild boar
The most common animal in Europe is the wild boar. It is a large mammal that can be found in all countries of the continent without exception. A vast habitat combined with rapid population growth allows the wild boar to have the status of the least problematic animal on the list of endangered species. Moreover, these mammals in some countries of the continent are considered invasive representatives of the fauna, which cause significant harm to agriculture and displace many other animals from their habitats. There are five subspecies of wild boar in Europe. They all have common external characteristics and differ only in size, color and some nuances of behavior.
For hunters, wild boar is always a priority species. In most European countries, they can be hunted all year round without restrictions. Due to this, the popularity of wild boar is constantly growing. This is also influenced by the prestige of obtaining such a large trophy and the possibility of eating it. Hunters should look for these mammals where wild boar can find food. They often settle on the outskirts of forests with access to fields and other open areas. Usually, they can hunt for individuals of both sexes near water bodies, which they visit often. You can use various hunting methods to get a wild boar. Most often, hunters shoot from cover, in which animals are lured to the desired location with the help of multiple threats.
Eurasian brown bear
The Eurasian brown bear is one of the most prestigious trophies among hunting enthusiasts in Europe. This species is widespread throughout the continent so we can get it in various countries. Most adult individuals live in Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. At the same time, they are much less common in the countries of the European Union. Eurasian brown bears differ from their North American counterparts in lighter fur. Its color can vary from pale brown to dark brown. Also, the Eurasian species differs from the North American species in increased fur density, slightly lower weight and a life expectancy of up to 30 years.
People began hunting Eurasian brown bears many centuries ago. Due to the large size of most individuals, this activity has always been considered extremely dangerous. It remains so today, so hunters with much experience often strive to get such a trophy. Bears should be looked for in extensive dense forests with much free territory. Sometimes, these animals appear in meadows and near wetlands. To have a chance to get a large trophy, hunters need to comply with several conditions. First of all, this concerns quotas. In most European countries, brown bears can only be killed after receiving a special permit, which the owners of hunting grounds or nature conservation organizations issue. Hunting enthusiasts should also remember the season rule, which states that these animals can only be shot during a certain period of the year (each country has its restrictions).
Red deer
The list of the most popular game species in Europe always includes the red deer. It is the most prominent representative of its kind and is considered a status trophy by hunters worldwide. This species is widespread throughout the continent, but the most excellent chance of meeting it is for hunting enthusiasts traveling to Eastern Europe. The most prominent individuals of the red deer can reach enormous sizes and weigh up to 240 kg. This feature, combined with the excellent taste of venison, makes them a valuable trophy that all beginners and professionals dream of getting.
Thanks to its large size and antlers, it is easy to find a red deer. In spring and summer, representatives of this species spend most of their time in the forest and wetlands. In autumn, red deer prefer to settle in places with dense vegetation, where they can eat a lot and gain weight before the onset of cold weather. In winter, hunters can find these animals in forests and places with many lichens, berries, tree bark and other food. Red deer hunting is only permitted during specific periods of the year. In most European countries, the hunting season for males opens in late summer or early fall and closes in midwinter or the last day of January. However, there are stricter restrictions on the shooting of females and calves.
European fallow deer
This mammal is one of the most common in Europe. Its homeland is considered to be Italy and the Balkan countries, so this is where hunters should go first. At the same time, the animal can often be found in dozens of other countries, so the choice of hunting locations will be pretty broad. The European fallow deer is a relatively small animal. However, this circumstance does not prevent it from becoming a priority target for hunters. The latter value the mammal for the good taste of its meat and beautiful horns (only males have them).
The European fallow deer is found in almost all prominent natural locations available in Europe. This animal often lives in deciduous and mixed forests, sometimes in open areas. The mammal sometimes settles in mountainous areas at a relatively low altitude. Unlike many other ungulates, the European fallow deer does not change its habitat depending on the time of year. This makes it a favorite prey for hunters accustomed to getting trophies only in one well-known location. The hunting season for these representatives of the fauna in most countries opens in mid-autumn and closes at the end of the year. Some exceptions allow hunting for the European fallow deer for extended periods. It is best to hunt these animals at dawn or immediately after sunset. In this case, hunters need various night optics to compensate for the lack of natural light.
Roe deer
This popular hunting species is a small relative of the deer. It adapts to habitat conditions much better than its relatives, is unafraid of low temperatures and settles in various natural locations. Due to this, the roe deer is found in almost all European countries and has become accessible to hunting enthusiasts. Outwardly, this animal resembles a small deer. It has an inconspicuous color, in which shades of gray, red and black are found. Such fur becomes a kind of camouflage and helps the roe deer hide from predators. Like many other species of deer, only the males of this animal have antlers. They are only about 20 cm long and are rarely used as a valuable hunting trophy.
The roe deer usually chooses deciduous and mixed forests for life. This mammal is also found in the forest-steppe zone and places where there is much bush that can hide from prying eyes. During the cold season, roe deer rarely change their home so that they can be found in approximately the same place in winter and summer. The hunting season for males and females in most European countries opens in early or mid-autumn. It usually ends on December 31 or January 10. Hunting is also possible from July to August, but at this time, only males are permitted to shoot.
A predator known for its high level of intelligence and ability to collect food in groups, it is a prestigious trophy for beginners and experienced hunters. It lives in many European countries, but the most significant number of individuals is observed in Eastern Europe. Since the wolf represents the canine family, it resembles a dog. Among the main differences are the body structure and its larger size and weight. The color of wolves can be different. It changes depending on the habitat and varies within a reasonably wide range.
Wolves are territorial animals. They choose a specific natural location for themselves and carefully guard it from strangers. That is why individuals of both sexes can be found everywhere where suitable conditions are created. In most cases, hunters should look for wolves away from civilization. These animals choose mainly open areas or the edge of the forest, with a good view and can spot a potential victim from a long distance. In Eastern European countries not part of the EU, the wolf hunting season opens in early August and lasts until the end of March. Most often, they can shoot these animals only with a special permit. In the European Union, wolves are classified as strictly protected species. However, in March 2025, they will be given the status of protected animals. This means that they can hunt wolves in EU countries as well. However, the rules and restrictions will be stricter than outside the European Union.
The fox is another representative of the canine family. Like its distant relative, the wolf, it is a valuable trophy for any hunter, so they will take the chance to get the animal. Foxes live almost throughout Europe. They quickly adapt to local weather and climate conditions, surviving even in the most challenging years. Most species of foxes are relatively small in size. Adult individuals reach a length of 0.9 m (excluding the tail) and weigh a maximum of 10 kg. These indicators show that they are significantly inferior to wolves and some other representatives of the canine family.
Foxes are not allowed to be hunted everywhere. In some countries and regions of Europe (for example, Wales and England), they are protected by various organizations that close access to this trophy to hunters. Where shooting foxes is allowed, the hunting season opens in early autumn and closes at the end of winter. The best place to look for the animal is in the forest. Here, it finds enough food and reliable shelters. Representatives of this species are also found in fields, meadows, and places near human dwellings. In winter, foxes appear in a wide variety of natural locations. They are not afraid of the cold, as they have thick and warm fur, so they often move on snow and ice.
Squirrels are the most prevalent rodent among European hunting enthusiasts. They are widespread throughout the Old World and can be found in almost every region of any country. All species of squirrels that can be hunted are small. Their body length is no more than 30 cm, and their weight rarely reaches 350 grams. Despite this, squirrels often become a priority target for hunters. The latter value rodents’ ability to move quickly along tree branches and make hunting as exciting as possible.
In about 90% of cases, squirrels living in Europe settle in coniferous and mixed forests. There, they quickly find plant food and reliable shelter from predators. Sometimes, these animals can be found in small clearings and other open areas. However, in all cases, there will be trees near them, with the help of which squirrels can escape from attack. Hunting squirrels is allowed in almost all European countries. This species reproduces quickly and often becomes a pest, so the hunting season lasts long. It usually opens in early October and closes at the end of March.
Eurasian lynx
This representative of the cat family is one of the most secretive animals allowed to be hunted in Europe. This feature makes it a status trophy that many hunters dream of getting. The Eurasian lynx lives mainly in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In the rest of the continent, the animal is rare and is often protected by nature conservation organizations. The Eurasian lynx differs from its fellows by its shorter hair and many black spots. The presence of a robust body, long limbs and fur-covered paws also characterizes this species. The latter has a broad base so the animal can move freely on snow, mud and other similar surfaces.
The Eurasian lynx is a difficult opponent, even for a professional hunter. To find this animal, need to go to areas remote from civilization, where there are many small mammals (the favorite food of the Eurasian lynx). Most often, individuals of this species settle in dense deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. They are not afraid of the cold and high altitudes above sea level, so it is better to look for them in regions with low temperatures and abundant mountains. In most countries, lynx hunting is only possible with a special permit. It is issued taking into account the available quotas, the number of which is individual for each country and a specific natural location. The hunting season for Eurasian lynx in most of Europe begins on the first day of October and ends at the beginning or end of January.
This mammal, which is difficult to confuse with other animals, is always an alternative option for hunters. They hunt it in cases where they cannot find a priority target or, for some reason, do not have the opportunity to shoot it. A hare is an animal that reproduces quickly, can adapt to changing conditions and is not afraid to change its location. All these qualities make this mammal widespread in all European countries. In some cases, the hare population grows so much that they are classified as pests. A characteristic feature of this animal is its long ears and powerful hind legs. The former provides the hare with excellent hearing, allowing it to run at a speed of 60-80 km/h.
Hare is common in Europe, so there are no special restrictions on shooting. The only thing hunters will have to consider is the rule of seasons. In most places, the permitted hunting period is selected depending on the species and the nuances of the country's hunting legislation. For example, the hunting season in Germany begins in early October and ends in mid-January. At the same time, in England, Spain and several other countries, the permitted hunting period lasts 365 days a year. To search for hares, hunters need to go to open spaces. This is where these animals look for food and find salvation from enemies. Most often, individuals of both sexes can be found in fields, meadows, clearings and forest edges.
Sika deer
This species of deer is a popular hunting species in some European countries. People often visit Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Great Britain to get this trophy. The animal is also common in northern Europe, particularly in Scandinavia. Sika deer stands out from other deer due to its spots on its fur. They do not disappear as individuals mature and can form unique patterns on the animal's body. In the cold season, the spots on the sika deer become less noticeable. This is due to the darkening of the fur, which is typical for both sexes. The animal's antlers are high and very strong, so hunters should avoid direct contact with deer of this species.
Sika deer is a popular game. Hunters should look for it in the pre-dawn hours or immediately after sunset. This can be done with the help of thermal imagers or night vision devices. This will significantly increase the chances of success. Sika deer live mainly in places with dense vegetation. They settle near a body of water and often enter the territory of wetlands. The hunting season for these animals is chosen depending on their behavior. Most often, shooting at sika deer is allowed from the beginning of August to the end of April. In those places where this species of deer is quite rare, the hunting season is shortened, or a ban on killing individuals of both sexes is introduced.
This beautiful animal from the ram family is nothing more than a feral domestic sheep. It is found mainly in the southern part of Europe and settles in mountainous areas. Most wild mouflon is on the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, so hunters go there quite often. This type of ram has several characteristic features. Its wool is extremely short, which is not typical of many relatives. Also, the presence of powerful and wide horns in males stands out, as they often become the main target of hunters. Female mouflons are smaller and do not have horns, so they are rarely chosen as a priority game.
Mouflon always live in large herds. They choose mainly mountainous areas, where they can see the approach of predators and escape from them by running away. To search for food, they often go down to the valleys, where it is easiest to find them. Mouflon can live up to 15 years. The older the individual, the larger its horns, so hunters prefer to choose rams that have reached the age of 10 years or more. The mouflon hunting season is selected individually for each European country. This period often begins in October and ends at the end of December. In some places, hunting can start as early as August or September. In any case, hunters must take into account the quota rules. Otherwise, mouflon hunting will be considered an illegal activity with all the negative consequences that follow from this.
Eurasian elk (moose)
This beautiful mammal is the largest species of deer. It can reach a height of 2.1 m and weigh up to 700 kg. With such dimensions and body weight, the Eurasian elk is a relatively fast and agile animal. This makes it far from the easiest opponent for a hunter. Representatives of this species are not found everywhere in Europe. Therefore, to try to get such a large trophy, need to go to Scandinavia, the Baltic countries and Eastern Europe. The Eurasian elk is a common species in these places, so hunting for it is allowed in almost all natural locations.
The Eurasian elk does not like to meet people, so it tends to get away from cities and agricultural lands. For housing, it chooses dense deciduous forests, where there is a lot of plant food and the opportunity to hide from predators. It sometimes moves to the coniferous tree zone, but this happens only during the snowfall season or in heavy, prolonged fog. The Eurasian elk often appears near swamps and small bodies of fresh water to search for food. To hunt this animal, follow the rules of seasons and quotas. In most countries, Eurasian elk shooting is allowed from mid-September to mid-January. There are also certain restrictions on shooting females and cubs. Each country has its own, so hunters need to study the local hunting laws in advance.
Alpine ibex
The horns of the Alpine ibex are considered a status trophy among hunters. This animal is valued worldwide, and many Europeans and visitors from other continents dream of hunting it. In the Old World, the Alpine ibex is a reasonably common species. It lives mainly in the Alps, for which it received such a name. In addition to high and mighty horns, this mammal stands out for its thick fur. Thanks to it, the Alpine ibex is not afraid of the cold and can feel good in the highlands. Representatives of this species adapt well to new conditions. At the same time, they rarely change their location, and if there is enough food, they can stay in their native places for the rest of their lives.
The Alpine ibex is a valuable hunting species. Hunters need to look for it in mountainous areas at an altitude of at least 3 thousand meters. In some cases, the animal appears in open alpine meadows, where it becomes visible against the background of grass or snow. Alpine ibex is often found in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France, so these countries are considered the best places to get the mammal. In most cases, the hunter's target is males. They are larger and have long horns, which are valued all over the world. To get them, they need to follow specific rules, which are individual for each location. The hunting season for Alpine ibex is almost always in early September and closes in late autumn or early winter.
This mammal of the bovid family is a distant relative of the common goat. It is relatively small in size and weighs a maximum of 50 kg. This allows it to move quickly and hide where other ungulates will be visible to predators. Short curved horns, a robust build and long ears distinguish Chamois. The latter is a characteristic feature of the species, distinguishing it from other ungulates. The homeland of the Chamois is the Pyrenees. The most significant number of individuals of both sexes live in these mountains. Representatives of this species are also found in the highlands in the south and the center of Europe.
Europeans classify chamois as an exotic game species. In this regard, they are chosen as a priority game mainly by experienced hunters. One should go to mountainous areas more than 3000 meters above sea level to search for animals. There, in places with steep slopes, cliffs and various vegetation, you can see chamois. In Spain and most other countries where it is possible to hunt these representatives of the fauna, the first hunting period opens in May and closes in mid-July. The second lasts from September to mid-November. In both cases, to shoot chamois, the hunter must have a special permit and is obliged to comply with certain restrictions.
European bison
Europe's most prominent and heaviest land animal was on the verge of complete extinction just 15-20 years ago. At that time, only a few thousand individuals were left in the world, and the prognosis was not the best. However, the European bison got a second chance thanks to caring people and a unique program to save the species. Its population began to grow rapidly in different countries of the continent, and today, animal rights activists can cross this animal off the list of endangered species. All this gradually made hunting for the European bison accessible, because of which it had previously almost disappeared from our planet. Most individuals live in Eastern Europe, as well as in Latvia, Lithuania, Germany and Spain.
The European bison settles mainly in the forest zone. It is equally suitable for deciduous and coniferous trees, so it can successfully live and reproduce in any forest. Due to its vast size, it is easy to find this animal. At the same time, hunters need to observe safety measures. Otherwise, one blow from a European bison can be enough to cause a person serious or even fatal injury. This species is not on the endangered list but remains among the protected animals today. To hunt European bison, get several permits and wait for a specific time of year. In most countries, the hunting season for the forest giant opens in November and closes in March. However, January-February is the most favorable period for obtaining such a status trophy.
Barbary sheep
This fantastic animal, which initially lived exclusively in Africa, was brought to Europe several centuries ago, namely to the countries in the south. There, it adapted to life in a warm climate and reproduced actively. Today, the most significant number of individuals is observed in Spain. This is where hunting enthusiasts most often go. The Barbary sheep is a distant relative of the goat. It can be more than 1 m high, 1.5 m long and weigh up to 145 kg. With such dimensions, it does not become a record holder among ungulates of Europe, but it is not an outsider either.
The Barbary sheep is a valuable game. This animal should be looked for in mountainous areas, far from human habitation. Due to its ability to get water from food, the Barbary sheep does not need to drink, so it rarely leaves the safest habitats. In this regard, it will be tough for hunters to find this fauna representative. The animal's developed hearing and ability to move quickly over rocky terrain add to the difficulty. The hunting season for Barbary sheep begins in September and ends in July. This time is enough for every hunting enthusiast to try several times to get the status trophy. In most cases, a special permit is required to hunt Barbary sheep. Without it, the joy of success can quickly become serious problems and hefty fines.
Muntjac deer
This tiny deer is an exotic animal in Europe. Its homeland is Asia, where it feels great in the wild. However, in the 19th century, this species was brought to England. There, it quickly adapted to local conditions and began to reproduce soon. This forced the animals to look for new territories, due to which they quickly spread throughout Great Britain. Later, the Muntjac deer was brought to Belgium and the Netherlands, from which it came to the territory of other European countries. Today, this species has appeared even in initially unsuitable places, proving its ability to adapt to new conditions quickly.
The Muntjac deer lives exclusively in forests. It is not afraid of changes in altitude, so it is found even on small hills and at the foot of the mountains. Because this mammal needs to drink frequently, it can always be found near some freshwater body. In most countries where the Muntjac deer appeared and took root, there are no problems with the population. On the contrary, its ability to reproduce quickly threatens other animals and some plants. To control the number of individuals, almost everywhere, it is allowed to hunt individuals of both sexes all year round. This opens up unlimited opportunities for hunters to choose when to go into the forest.
Reindeer (caribou)
This common species is the only domesticated reindeer. It is found in most northern regions of the world and is considered a status trophy among hunters. This mammal is known not only for pulling Santa's sleigh but also for its large antlers. Even females grow them, which is unique among reindeer. As this species is called in North America, Caribou has several subspecies. Most often, they are given names depending on the territory in which they live. All these varieties of reindeer differ significantly in size, weight, color and behavior. In Europe, there are only a few caribou subspecies, and each is allowed to be hunted.
Reindeer are robust and hardy animals. They can cover considerable distances for food, so finding them in the wild is always challenging. To be successful, hunters need to use thermal imaging optics and choose places with rich vegetation. This is where caribou linger the longest. Sometimes, these animals can be found near a body of fresh water. The hunting season for reindeer starts in the first days of October and ends in January. In some places and countries, there are restrictions on the number of animals of this species that can be hunted. In this regard, we need to read local rules and laws carefully and only then go in search of caribou.
European jackal
This European variety of jackal is an exotic hunting species. Only professionals who want to get new emotions and compete with an intelligent opponent decide to hunt it. The European jackal inhabits mainly the countries of southeastern Europe. There, it feels comfortable and has enough food. Representatives of this species reach a length of 125 cm and weigh more than 10 kg. This is far from a record in the canine family to which the European jackal belongs. Animals of both sexes have thick, coarse fur, the color of which varies depending on the characteristics of the area in which they live. Also characteristic of this species is the presence of a broader skull than many of its brethren.
The European jackal should be considered in countries such as the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Romania. There, the number of individuals of this species is quite large, so no special restrictions on hunting are introduced. Most often, animals choose flat areas with little vegetation for habitation. Such places are an ideal environment for hares, rabbits, partridges, pheasants and other representatives of the fauna that the European jackal feeds on. It also often approaches various bodies of water, where it quenches its thirst and feasts on shellfish, frogs, and fish. In most European countries, the hunting season for this animal lasts 365 days a year. This allows hunters to independently choose the event period depending on their preferences and availability of free time.
Water deer
This unusual species of deer can be an excellent option for lovers of exotic hunting. It lives mainly in China and South Korea, but in the 19th century, it was brought to Europe. Today, the water deer feels excellent in the UK and has no problems with the population. This species stands out from other deer with its tusks. They create a semblance of fangs, which is why the animal was nicknamed a vampire. Also characteristic of the water deer is the complete absence of horns and the presence of robust legs, allowing them to move across any terrain quickly.
The water deer did not get its name for nothing. It lives mainly near bodies of water with tall vegetation (reeds, bulrushes, etc.). The animal uses it as a shelter from predators. This type of deer is also found in swamps and meadows and is not afraid to come close to agricultural land. The ability to swim well opens up unlimited opportunities for the water deer to explore small areas of land. This is where it is best to hunt them. Anyone who wants to get such a trophy should come to the UK. The animal is not found in other countries. The hunting season for water deer opens on November 1 and closes on March 31. To shoot, representatives of this species must have a special permit and consider certain restrictions.
Europe is a popular destination for hunters from all over the world. This is due to the presence of many countries on its territory, each offering special conditions for hunting and opening access to the extraction of various status trophies. In Europe, beginners and professionals can shoot many traditional and unique species of game animals. However, to do this, they will need careful preparation and study of the behavioral characteristics of each representative of the fauna of the Old World. If hunters do this job well, they can enjoy hunting and return home with a fantastic trophy.