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The Balkans - unique nature, unforgettable food and hunting!

September 30, 2024


The Balkans - unique nature, unforgettable food and hunting! - September 30, 2024

In the southeast of Europe, there is a region called the Balkans. It is a popular tourist destination and annually receives many travelers worldwide. They come here to get acquainted with the local culture, wonderful nature and unforgettable cuisine. The Balkans are also a popular place for hunting enthusiasts. The region is home to many games that all hunters dream of getting. Our guide will tell you about the Balkans, their nature, attractions, and famous culinary and hunting traditions. This information will help you better understand this region and plan your trip correctly.

What are the Balkans?
The Balkans is a region in the southeastern part of Europe. Most of it is located on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, which has access to the Ionian, Aegean, Marmara, Cretan, Adriatic and Black Seas. This region does not have clear historical and geographical definitions, so everyone sets its conditional borders independently. At the same time, the most common version is that the Balkans include the entire territory of Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Greece. The region also consists of the European part of Turkey, almost all of Serbia and Croatia, the southern areas of Slovenia and the Romanian coast.
The Balkans are a unique historical region of Europe. Due to its advantageous geographical position and access to 6 seas, it has been an essential point on the world map for many millennia. It was visited by representatives of different countries, leading to many civilizations' intersections. The Balkans were influenced by Turkish, Latin, Greek and Roman culture at other times. Despite this, they did not lose their individuality, which they successfully continue to do today. A clear demonstration of this is that almost all the countries most often included in the region have their own language.
For most Balkan countries, tourism is a priority sector of the economy. It brings them a consistently high income and allows them to exist as independent states. Thanks to tourism, residents of countries on the other side of our planet know about the Balkans. Every year, millions of tourists and travelers come to the region to relax, wanting to immerse themselves in the local culture, study the area's culinary traditions, and enjoy the magnificent nature. Also, many hunting enthusiasts come to the Balkans, and they consider this region one of the best in the world.
The Balkans attract the attention of most travelers with their unique nature. They are pretty diverse, so every vacationer will find what he wants. The territory of different regions contains majestic mountains, untouched forests, and reservoirs with crystal clear water. Most of these are in protected areas, so human activity does not affect their condition. Croatia has the most unique natural locations. Among the Balkan countries, the top three leaders in this indicator also include Slovenia and Greece.

The best natural features of the Balkan Peninsula are undoubtedly in Croatia. There are eight national parks on the territory of this relatively small European country. All of them are ready to show visitors the unique wild nature as it is. The main one among such locations is considered by many to be Krka National Park. It is known for several magnificent waterfalls, but no analogs exist in Europe or beyond. There is also beautiful vegetation and a rich fauna.
Another famous natural location in Croatia is called Plitvice Lakes National Park. UNESCO protects it and amazes all visitors with its magnificent nature. The main ones in Plitvice are the lakes (16 in total). They stand out for their crystal clear water, painted pleasantly turquoise. These reservoirs are connected by waterfalls, which create genuinely fabulous landscapes against the background of the surrounding greenery.
The pearl of Croatian nature is the island of Kosljun. It is located only 8 km from Krk, so it is always easy to get to it. This object can easily be walked around in a couple of hours. Despite its small size, the island hides many attractions. One of them is the 110-meter Biserujka cave, which was formed naturally. There are also many unique animals and rare plants on the island. Slovenia
Magnificent nature awaits travelers not only in Croatia but also in Slovenia. It is incredibly diverse and attractive at any time of the year. Slovenia's main natural attraction is Lake Blejsko. It is located near the resort of Kranjska Gora, near Austria's border. This lake is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. Its clear blue water and a small island in the middle distinguish it. Wild nature reigns around the lake, leaving no one indifferent.
The following famous natural location in Slovenia is Vintgar Gorge. It is one of the most visited places in the Balkans, and everyone who sees it immediately understands why it is so. The gorge greets guests with its magnificent landscapes, narrow dirt and tree-lined paths, small fast-flowing streams and several beautiful waterfalls. This place makes everyone forget about everyday affairs and allows spending several hours in close contact with nature.
Triglav National Park is another place where you can experience the true beauty of wild nature. It is home to the highest point of the Slovenian Alps—Mount Triglav. It is 2864 meters high and an iconic landmark for the entire country, so the Slovenians have depicted its silhouette on their flag. The mountain attracts the attention of climbers and skiers worldwide, and its surroundings are an ideal place to get acquainted with wild nature. Many hiking and cycling routes lead to various attractions and viewpoints.

Among the Balkan countries, Greece is considered one of the most beautiful. Its territory is home to many architectural monuments, which people come to see worldwide. However, in addition to these attractions, Greece has magnificent natural locations. One of them is Meteora. This object comprises rocks consisting mainly of sandstone interspersed with various stones. They rise above the slopes of dense vegetation and create a magnificent sight. Many trails on the territory of Meteora lead to optimal observation points for the rocks and several ancient monasteries.
Vikos Gorge is no less attractive. It is located northwest of Greece and is the deepest in the world. This object attracts the attention of travelers who want to feel the gorge's grandeur and enjoy its natural beauty. It is best to do this during a hiking trip. It always follows the same route, so getting lost in Vikos Gorge is impossible. Along the way, you will come across various attractions that will give you visual pleasure and become a good background for photographs.
Among Greece's natural wonders, the Melissani cave lake deserves special attention. It is located on Cephalonia island, which tourists can reach in several ways. This natural object is known for its clear water, which periodically changes its color depending on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. It is surrounded by stalactites and stalagmites, which add to the lake's attractiveness. You can enjoy the beauty of Melissani only during a boat excursion.

Other countries
Croatia, Slovenia and Greece are the leaders in magnificent natural locations. However, other Balkan countries also have something to see. For example, in Bulgaria, there is the Rila mountain range. It is located only 70 km from Sofia and can be reached by bus or private transport. Rila is known for its several high peaks and unique landscapes. Rock formations, flooded valleys, glacial lakes, and spacious meadows characterize the latter. All these places will allow the appreciation of the beauty and diversity of Bulgarian nature, as well as the clean mountain air.
In Albania, the central wonder of nature is considered to be the Blue Eye. This object is a rare karst spring that feeds the Bistrice River. Its main feature is the unusual color of the water. In the center of the reservoir is dark blue and bright blue at the edges. This feature makes the Blue Eye a unique object everyone in Albania strives to visit. This can be done at any time of the year. However, it should be remembered that getting to the famous landmark will take a long time.
In Montenegro, you will not find anything more impressive than the Bay of Kotor. This natural site is located near the border with Croatia. It is separated from the Adriatic Sea by two small straits and from the rest of the territory - by mountains. This feature allows the Bay of Kotor to be among the most famous natural attractions of the Balkans. The city of Kotor is located on the shore of the bay. It is renowned for its ancient architecture and many places to enjoy close contact with wild nature.

Culinary traditions of different countries
The Balkans are an ideal place for lovers of delicious food. Local culinary traditions originated many years ago and were formed throughout the region. They were alternately influenced by the cultures of different countries and people who came to the Balkans from all over the world. The result is a unique mix in which features of European and Asian cuisine can be traced. The use of many vegetables, meat, cheese and spices in dishes characterizes the Balkans. Their correct combination allows you to create authentic culinary masterpieces that cannot be found in other regions worldwide. The proximity to the sea also influenced the formation of the culinary traditions of the Balkans. Today, many dishes contain fish and seafood combined with other natural gifts. The most exciting thing is the cuisine of Croatia, Montenegro, and Albania. However, other countries in the region also have something to try.

To explore the culinary traditions of the Balkans, it is best to go to Croatia. Here, the most significant number of dishes are served that surprise the taste buds and allow you to truly enjoy the food. In Croatian cuisine, you can easily find traces of the culinary traditions of other countries in the region. Its dependence on Arabic and Italian cuisine is also clearly visible. In most cases, the dishes served are as simple as possible. They mainly use the gifts of nature and the sea available in Croatia. In the central part of the country, meat dishes are the main ones. As you get closer to the sea, they are gradually replaced by delicacies, among the ingredients of which there are seafood. This feature should be considered by travelers who want to explore the culinary preferences of the country.
Soups have a special place in Croatian cuisine. Among them, the most famous are Brodet, Corba, and Maestra. All of them are very satisfying and aromatic. Meat delicacies also occupy a worthy place in Croatian cuisine. They are always served with vegetable side dishes and homemade wine according to local tradition. Popular meat dishes include Pasticada, Przolica, and Janjetina ispod peke. There is also a place for street food in the local cuisine. It differs significantly from traditional fast food in its naturalness and health benefits. According to travelers, Cevapi and Burek are the best dishes in this category. In the coastal areas of Croatia, guests are also often offered a snack of grilled seafood.

For many, it will be a revelation that one of the best cuisines in the Balkans is the cuisine of Montenegro. This small country has only recently gained independence, but its culinary traditions last several thousand years. Local dishes use a lot of meat, vegetables and various spices. Montenegrins also love cheese and add it almost everywhere. Another characteristic feature of the local cuisine is the low popularity of seafood. This is quite strange for a country with access to the Adriatic Sea. Only in coastal areas do locals prefer to eat fish, mussels and octopuses regularly. This is important for all travelers who travel to the Balkans and plan to visit Montenegro.
The national dish of Montenegro is the so-called Veshalitsa. It is a cutlet in which various fillings are wrapped and then grilled. Among other meat dishes of Montenegrin cuisine, Raznici and Cevapcici stand out. Locals also like to cook a whole pork leg for holidays. Depending on the recipe, it is grilled, smoked or dried in the open air. Of course, Montenegrin cuisine also includes many delicacies that are popular in other Balkan countries. These include Moussaka, Sarma, and Corba. Locals prepare these dishes using their own slightly modified recipes, but they are approximately the same as those in Croatia, Serbia, and other countries on the Balkan Peninsula.

If you want to try many dishes not typical of the Balkans, feel free to go to Albania. Its culinary traditions were formed under the influence of the Ottoman Empire, which brought Islam to the country. This increased the number of spices used in food and made pork dishes a forbidden delicacy. Also, the cuisine of Albania was influenced by the fact that most regions have access to the Adriatic Sea. The latter is rich in fish and other seafood, which have taken a worthy place in the list of the most famous Albanian products. Another characteristic feature of Albanian cuisine is the frequent use of corn. Bread made from it is a traditional delicacy served in all restaurants in the country.
Anyone who travels to Albania and gets acquainted with its culinary traditions must try Supe Peshku and Tarator. These soups are popular among locals and are regularly cooked in every home. Among meat dishes, preference should be given to Tave Kosi and Schumlek. The first is baked pieces of lamb with plenty of spices, and the second is beef stewed in yogurt and served with boiled potatoes and sheep cheese. Fish dishes in Albania are simpler than meat dishes. Locals prefer to grill white fish and serve it with some vegetables. Shrimp and other seafood are most often baked in a creamy sauce. Among vegetable dishes, the most famous are Speca me Gjize, Fegese, Fasulet, and Qofte; Kukurech and Byrek are considered favorites in the fast food category.

Other countries
Each Balkan country has its culinary traditions, which are formed under the influence of specific cultures. For example, the influence of Arabic and Mediterranean cuisine is visible in the region's west, with some products being a priority. In contrast, others are less popular or even banned. Similar processes took place in the north, south and east of the Balkans, reflected in each country's cuisine.
Anyone who travels around the Balkans and visits different territories should try to try at least one national dish of each country. This will help to appreciate the diversity of the region's cuisine and allow getting to know its culinary traditions better. In Bulgaria, the leading national dish is Ghivetch, a stew of meat and various vegetables. In Greece, the world-famous Greek salad has a similar status; in Turkey, it is called Kebab, and in Northern Macedonia, it is called Turli tava. In Serbia, you should try Veshalitsa; in Slovenia – Gobova Juha; in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Bosanski logic; and in Kosovo – Sujuk.

Hunting in the Balkans
The Balkans are known for a large number of unique natural locations. They help create favorable conditions for the habitation of wild animals and the rapid growth of their population. All this makes the region an attractive place for hunters. They are ready to cover long distances and spend much time preparing for their trophy. Dozens of specially prepared hunting grounds are open for hunting in the Balkans, where various games are found. You can also hunt in some wild places where animals rarely meet people. Almost every country in the region will be of interest to hunters. However, the most popular among them are Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria.

The best country in the Balkans for hunters is Croatia. It is known for its variety of natural locations, with many games. The most popular places are deciduous forests in Gorski Kotar and similar locations in Lika. Many animals and birds here will attract the attention of a beginner and an experienced hunter. As an alternative, you can use the Dinaric Alps. This mountain system is ideal for the habitation of various ungulates and birds of prey. For hunting waterfowl in Europe, there are no better places than the wetlands of Croatia. Most are located along the Danube and other smaller rivers.
Hunting in Croatia is almost always exciting and unforgettable. This is explained not only by the beauty of the wild nature, which is very pleasant for hunters to watch but also by the variety of game. The most popular trophies obtained in Croatia are Mouflon, Axis, Balkan chamois, Barbary sheep, Feral goat, Fallow deer, and Red deer. Also, in the country's hunting grounds, you can shoot such traditional European species as wild boar, Brown bear, rabbit, and squirrel. A variety of waterfowl can be an equally valuable trophy. There are so many of them in Croatia that even beginners manage to shoot several individuals. The list of priority species almost always includes mallard, wild quail and various types of geese.

Bulgaria is a beautiful country worth seeing with your eyes. It is interesting not only for travelers and tourists but also for hunters. The territory of this Balkan state has a variety of landscapes, which creates favorable conditions for the habitation of many species of game. Broad flat areas are ideal for hunting in Bulgaria. They have everything necessary for a variety of ungulates and other mammals. An alternative to them is numerous mountain ranges, where you can meet birds of prey and herbivores adapted to life at altitude. For bird hunting, it is best to choose the banks of rivers and lakes, of which there are many in Bulgaria.
Hunting grounds are in almost every region of the country. Even near the capital - Sofia, you can find beautiful places to get your trophy. Also, known locations are located near the cities of Pleven and Varna. Famous trophies in Bulgaria are Mouflon, Alpine Ibex and Bezoar ibex. Also prized are such animals as Balkan chamois, Fallow deer, Himalayan tahr, Red deer, Wild boar, and Wolf. On some hunting grounds, you can hunt Golden Jackal and Lynx. These species are not the most common in the Balkans, so you should not miss the opportunity to get such a trophy. Among the many birds in Bulgaria, the most interesting for hunters are Pheasants, Partridges and Capercaillie. Different types of ducks and geese are also in demand.

In Serbia, hunting is not just entertainment but a favorite hobby of thousands of residents. In this regard, the organization and holding of this event are given maximum attention. Flat areas dominate the country. Most of them are controlled by hunting associations that monitor populations and issue permits for shooting animals. Serbia also has several mountainous regions controlled mainly by state organizations. All these measures help maintain the ecosystem's ideal state and allow hunters to get valuable trophies. At the same time, conservationists create particular difficulties for hunters. In Serbia, to get the opportunity to make a shot, you need to collect many documents and get special permission from local authorities and environmental organizations.
The main trophies in Serbia are Roe deer. Due to favorable living conditions, they grow more prominent than in most other Balkan countries and become valuable prey for any hunter. The population of this animal is not threatened, so the hunting season for Roe deer is open for quite a long time. Also, popular hunting species are Red deer, Fallow deer, Mouflons, and wild boars. Among less common animals, the Golden jackal, Fox, and Wild cat are suitable for hunting in Serbia. Birds are a less prestigious trophy, but many hunters come to Serbia specifically for them. Among the many species in the country, the most excellent attention is drawn to Pheasants, Wild pigeons, Geese and Ducks.

Other countries
You can hunt in Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, and other Balkan countries. For example, Greece has everything you need for such an activity. There are dozens of hunting grounds on the country's territory, where many game species live. Among the most popular animals are the Wild Boar, Brown Bear, Red Deer and Kri-kri, found only in Greece. Birds also attract the attention of hunters. In addition to traditional geese and ducks, many Woodcocks are living in the country.
A hunter who comes to Slovenia will have something to do. This country is one of the European leaders in the area of ​​untouched forests, which creates ideal conditions for hunting. On the territory of the country, you can get many valuable trophies. Among them are the Brown Bear, Red Deer, Roe Deer, Wild Boar, and Wolf, prevalent in the Balkans. Also, in Slovenia, there is an opportunity to shoot many small mammals. Among the birds available to hunters, Geese, Ducks, Quails and Woodcocks stand out.
Hunting in Bosnia and Herzegovina will give you unforgettable emotions. This country has a lot of coniferous and deciduous forests, spacious plains, and mountainous areas. All these locations are suitable for dozens of game species. The list of the most popular includes Chamois, Wild Boars, Mouflons, Rabbits, Brown Bears, Wolves and various types of waterfowl. The Balkans are a region that will be comfortable and interesting for any traveler. Most countries have a developed tourist infrastructure; many natural locations and architectural attractions exist. The Balkans are also known for their unique culinary and hunting traditions. Combining all these qualities makes the region one of the best places to spend a vacation, regardless of your interests and what kind of vacation you prefer. Having visited one of the Balkan countries, you will want to travel around the entire region and discover an unknown part of Europe.

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