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Hunting in France. Everything you wanted to know.

June 3, 2024


Hunting in France. Everything you wanted to know. - June 3, 2024

Many activities can help you rest, relax and recharge, from a trip to the gym or a warm bath to traveling or outdoor activities. However, hunting has remained at the TOP of such an activity for hundreds of years. Yes, it is constantly transforming, changing types and purpose, but the fact that this activity continues to interest quite a few people is undeniable. When hunting, the same question often arises: how do you choose the best place? That is, a place where the variety of animals will allow you to try something new, where the nature around is enchanting with beauty, where many other people are interested in this activity, and where the culture and traditions of many generations are intertwined into one, forming a new modernity.
That is why you can often find France in the recommendations of experienced hunters or guides. After all, hunting in France is an integral part of cultural heritage and not just an active way of recreation or entertainment. This is a harmonious combination of sports and environmental protection and the traditions of previous generations. This attracts the attention of many French people hunters and nature researchers from all over the world. This beautiful art unites people by interests, allows them to learn from each other, and preserves hunting traditions. Many features in France make hunting so unique and attractive to many. After all, it has long ceased to be a way of obtaining food or a sporting interest; it is a whole culture formed over thousands of years by hunters to regulate the balance in nature and develop hunting skills.
What is unique about hunting in France, what are the differences and what exactly attracts hunters?

Hunting: what is its popularity
Of course, hunting as an active way of recreation gained wide popularity back in tribal times, when it was the only way to get food. However, even in modern life, when there is no longer a need for this, this activity remains relevant.
First of all, hunting in France is part of French culture because many families have traditions and customs that are passed down from generation to generation. Hunting is one way to preserve family ties and spend time together; it is a tribute to traditions and respect for ancestors. That is why such a respectful state and devotion to the family attract tourists and hunters from all over the world who want to feel part of this connection.
Hunting and French are also social events. When hunting groups are organized for joint hunts or outings to discuss emerging problems or to pass on experience to new generations of hunters, this social belonging to a group of people with your interests is also mesmerizing. After all, in modern life, we can feel lonely more and more often. Since we work a lot at the computer or home, delivery can bring anything, and there is less and less time for communication. Therefore, having friends who understand and share your hobbies can be very valuable. Mainly if, in addition to hunting, you are engaged in expanding knowledge about nature and its diversity and solving problems of biodiversity conservation. Responsible hunting, which is traditional for every hunter in this region, helps to control the populations of some species of animals to avoid overpopulation and reduce the risk of extinction of others. That is why hunting in France is such a popular activity. It has several goals, rules and a community that unites. It is not only a way to spend time actively but also an element of culture, ecology and development.

History of hunting in France
Like everything we see in our life, hunting has its beginning. Since ancient times, hunting has gone through its stages of formation, improvement and technological progress to occupy an important place among those who want to spend their time actively. The history of hunting in France has several stages that were formed based on cultural and traditional changes, the development of society as a whole, and changing attitudes towards nature.
Hunting is considered one of the first activities of the native inhabitants of France. After all, it was thousands of years ago, and it was one of the opportunities to get food. Archaeologists who studied this area testify that the first hunters mainly hunted giant animals here, such as mammoths, bison or deer. At first, primitive tools were used, but gradually, they were improved. Thus, a spear arose from an ordinary stick and stones, and later knives and other tools for hunting. Hunting in those days was the primary way to survive because the food and skins of animals used by cavemen were intended for this purpose.
During the Middle Ages in France, hunting became a sign of aristocracy. Families of barons, kings and other nobles went hunting for negotiations and entertainment. They stayed on extensive country lands for hunting and resolved essential issues in the state. Only rich people at that time could afford to hunt. After all, it was a real family outing, where the nobles presented their skills, strategies and unique equipment. Refined guns and sabers decorated with jewels symbolized power and dignity. Often, such things were given by other members of the nobility as a sign of respect or a symbol of loyalty. At that time, the first rules and laws regulating the hunting process began to appear. In the Middle Ages, people began to think about protecting wild populations from extinction.
Hunting continued to develop in the 19th and 20th centuries as it became more and more popular and interested broader segments of the population. With new methods and the development of technology, new hunting techniques and tools appeared, making it more exciting and compelling. At the same time, the course to preserve wildlife and certain species of wild animals from extinction also continued as one of the fundamental laws of hunting. This very rule became the basis for creating national parks, various reserves and general strategies for conserving and managing natural resources. Living in harmony with nature as an idea continued to develop. Also, communities of hunters who passed on knowledge and techniques to each other, shared experience and information that was new to others, and thus created the industry, began to gain a reasonably broad audience.
Modern hunting got a great chance and combined the best of all periods. After all, hunting has laws regulated by legislation, and every hunter must follow them to preserve the natural resources around them. Thanks to the formation of communities, the traditions and knowledge of previous generations are passed on to the next, and thus, the hunting identity is not lost. With the help of the development of new technologies, new and improved equipment has appeared, which makes hunting more efficient and allows hunting as ethically as possible for animals. Such an approach to this activity is likely due to the formed understanding of the importance of hunting as an active recreation and a critical social mission.
The history of hunting in France shows us the evolution of society, changes in moral norms and guidelines, changes in approach and preservation of traditions that shaped the hunting industry. Thanks to compliance with the rules and laws, hunting is proud and environmentally friendly.

Types of hunting popular in France
Since hunting in France is quite a popular and widespread activity, it is not surprising that there are many varieties, each with its characteristics and rules.
For example, the traditional type of hunting, which most hunters have used for several centuries, is usually hunting with a rifle. Hunters use firearms to hunt small and large game, from nimble rabbits to proud deer and ferocious wild boars. Using a gun while hunting requires good training and endurance, and of course, strict rules and regulations regarding the use of a specific type of weapon or ammunition or restrictions on hunting a particular type of game. Each hunter undergoes special training to hunt with a rifle and must obtain permission to use it. Although preparing for this type of hunting is quite long and challenging, it is still considered the most popular modern type. Thanks to technical training, it is considered quite effective and therefore brings satisfaction from a good result.
If you are a fan of something more old-fashioned and want to test your strength as it was done, for example, in the Middle Ages, you can also try hunting with a bow. It requires clarity and endurance, the ability to build a shot trajectory and the ability to calculate the distance to the prey. Bow hunting is designed for experienced hunters who constantly improve their skills and want to feel like they used to.
However, hunting with a bow can help test your strength. After all, night hunting became possible thanks to the invention of the night vision device. What the darkness hides and how animals live after sunset can be learned during night hunts. And, of course, you can try your hand at hunting a predator, which, as we know, is more active at night.
Using specially trained dogs is also reasonably common among hunters in France. After all, small game, such as rabbits, some types of birds or rodents, and sometimes even wild boars or roe deer, can get in the teeth of a hunting dog. They can track prey and bring it to the owner, helping chase prey. Or find already-shot prey in hard-to-reach places. Different breeds of dogs specially bred for hunting can be helpful, even for novice hunters. Therefore, such breeds as, for example, spaniels, beagles or retrievers can come in handy and significantly increase the efficiency of your hunts.
Bird hunting occupies a separate rank among different types of hunting. After all, you should be nimble and quiet not to scare the bird and approach it closely. As we all know, animals feel strongly threatened; however, the ability of birds to fly away makes the hunting process very difficult. During this type of hunting, you will need special equipment, such as binoculars, to track prey from afar and shoot it without getting too close. Such accuracy of shots requires good luck and constant improvement of your skills, but the result is worth it. Hunting in France is one of the cultural assets, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the type of hunting you choose, it is essential to consider your skills and choose the prey that matches them. Because hunting can be pretty dangerous, especially for poorly trained hunters, a responsible attitude to training and an objective assessment of your skills will help you feel absolute pleasure during hunting and not expose yourself to danger.

Places popular for hunting in France
There are several factors to consider when preparing well for hunting in France. First, choose a place of hunting destiny that will suit you according to your needs and skills. Then, depending on the location, you should select the animals you want to hunt in that region. And, of course, choosing the right equipment is very important for adequate hunting preparation.
France covers quite a large area, so it isn't easy to choose one location, especially if you consider the popularity of hunting in some of them. We recommend that you study the information in more detail and choose based on this.
Let's start with the area, which is widely known for its hunting grounds and a great variety of fauna. The Loire Valley is quite a popular spot for deer, wild boar and hare hunting and is also often chosen for bird hunting. This is not surprising because the diversity of the ecosystem here is amazing. Vast forests and enchanting landscapes create ideal conditions for hunting trips and interest.
The next region is for those who are fond of mountainous terrain and want to hunt large game. The Pyrenees provide opportunities for hunting large game such as chamois and wild goats. But they offer every hunter an unforgettable experience of mountain hunting. Overcoming steep slopes, constant weather changes, and hard-to-reach places in combination with picturesque landscapes can be confusing. However, the level of necessary preparation for hunting in the mountainous region must be pretty high because it can be dangerous. And if you are already a fan of mountain hunting, you will like hunting in the French Alps. Wild boars and deer await you to test your patience and skill. That is why hunters who love extremes and challenge themselves choose the Alps for their hunts.
Combine active recreation with wildlife watching and small game hunting. Hares, pheasants and partridges are famous in Normandy. Thanks to its natural diversity and fabulous views, the region will attract hunters and tourists. After all, wild nature, historical sights, and cultural events create ideal conditions for choosing Normandy for a trip.
Each region of France hides its secrets and has unique features that attract hunters. There are opportunities to try different types of hunting, enjoy the scenery or try other activities. Everything depends on the hunter's choice, the game he wants to hunt and, of course, on the comfortable conditions. Therefore, do not neglect this critical stage when preparing for hunting. Enjoy nature around you and pay tribute to traditions.

Animals that can be hunted in France
The second, no less critical stage is understanding what types of game you can hunt in France. After all, thanks to the diverse landscapes and the number of wild places, France is becoming more and more attractive for many species of animals. Consider the predominant game species that you can hunt in France.
Of course, these are deer, noble animals, probably the most popular species for hunting. The greatness, status and danger they radiate prompt the hunter to test his strength to obtain such a desirable trophy. Since deer hunting requires stability, great skill and patience, the hunter who hunted such a handsome one automatically moves to a new level of skill and recognition. But there is also danger with this type of hunting. After all, a large animal is quite dangerous, incredibly if frightened.
The next most popular animal for hunting is the wild boar. Although wild boars are also quite dangerous, this does not reduce the desire to hunt them. This animal species is widespread in many regions of France, especially in wooded and mountainous areas, so it does not require a long search. However, wild boars are pretty solid and aggressive grasses, so not every hunter can challenge them. Some hunters go to hunt wild boar in groups because this is not only a hobby but also an ecological mission to reduce their population. As you know, they can cause significant damage to the territories where they live.
Hares or rabbits are often the target of hunting with a gun or dogs. These small games are pervasive throughout France, but don't underestimate them because of their speed and cunning. They can be elusive prey, in which case you may need a hunting dog.
If you like hunting birds and want to hunt one of their representatives, you can choose a pheasant or duck. Hunting birds is more understandable since they often fly in flocks, and the chances of hunting increase. It is only necessary to consider that they are pretty timid, so it is not worth getting too close.
Each species has its own characteristics and hunting rules, so if you want to hunt effectively, we recommend that you follow them. Get the necessary permits, choose a region and go on an exciting trip to France.

Equipment necessary for hunting
Although the most important thing for a successful hunt is your gun and its devices, your protection is the first thing to take care of. Prepare 1-2 sets of clothes, depending on the planned duration of the hunt, as well as comfortable and durable closed shoes. This set will protect your body and legs and allow you to move freely and comfortably in a rather complex and stressful situation. The clothes and shoes should be made of light material, but at the same time solid and waterproof, as this will allow you to be confident and not be distracted by the inconvenience that the clothes or shoes may cause. You can't do without additional protection during intense hunting, so you can take knee pads if you understand that you will have to aim or shoot in such a position.
The second factor to consider and which is essential to your success in the hunt is to have drinking water with you, in sufficient quantity for you and reserve in case you are delayed. Of course, food with a long shelf life does not need special conditions for cooking and storage, and it is also quite filling since you will spend many calories while hunting. You are unlikely to eat three times a day. Therefore, take care of this factor in advance. This should be on your hunting list.
The main thing you need for hunting is weapons and various equipment that will ensure success and pleasant experiences, make it more exciting and train your skills. Depending on your prey, you need weapons of different ranges and capabilities.
A pistol or rifle should already be aimed so that you clearly understand the trajectory of the bullet, and it should be light and comfortable for you so that you can work comfortably for a long time. Remember that your firearm must be durable and have a range that allows you to aim and hit your prey. Therefore, if you are unsure of the distance, it is better to take it further. To determine the distance range to the target, you need to have a laser or conventional rangefinder with you. It will significantly simplify the measurement and ensure you hit the target and not just startle or anger the animal. However, weapons are not the only thing needed for a successful hunt.
The next thing that is very important for your accuracy is the devices that improve your vision. Binoculars or monoculars are used to observe or track the animal, predict its movements and speed, and assess the situation. Optics can be separate from the weapon and integrated into it, as it is more convenient for you, but it must be. Sights are super-necessary for medium and long-range hunting when hitting the target depends on clarity. That's why scopes are a must-have for your hunting must-have list. They can also have integrated night vision devices. Such devices help you spot and shoot prey in low light or complete darkness. When choosing NVD, it is worth considering their capabilities, whether residual light is required for the operation of the device or whether it works by reading the object's body temperature. The image's clarity and the shots' accuracy will depend on this. Again, the devices can be attached to the body of your gun or stand alone as you prefer.
Adequately selected equipment guarantees your safety and is one of the critical factors for your success. Therefore, it is essential to understand what you definitely should take with you on the hunt and what may be needed under certain conditions and also take it.
Hunting in France is a real art that has been formed over the years thanks to each generation's people, culture and traditions. This became the basis for the development of hunting and its modernization because many new techniques and approaches have evolved. Assistive technologies such as night vision devices can significantly simplify the hunting process while keeping it exciting.
It is worth understanding that hunting in France is not just an entertainment or a way to spend time actively, but also a way of life, with its own rules, community, and culture preserved and transmitted from generation to generation. It is worth appreciating these recruitments and honoring the opportunity to participate in this process. After all, every detail that has been formed for thousands of years now significantly impacts our lives, preserving wild nature and awareness of the possibilities of nature around the world. So follow the rules and enjoy fabulous views while hunting in France.

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