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Features of hunting in the Czech Republic.

September 2, 2024


Features of hunting in the Czech Republic. - September 2, 2024

There are not many places in Central Europe that are good for hunting. In this regard, the Czech Republic is an exception. It has centuries-old hunting traditions and many hunting grounds close to ideal on its territory. These places are home to many species of animals and birds that can become excellent trophies. The populations of these representatives of the fauna are constantly monitored so hunters can enjoy their favorite activity and not cause severe damage to the country's wildlife. In our article, we want to tell you about the critical features of hunting in the Czech Republic, which can give everyone unforgettable emotions.

Rules and laws concerning hunting in the Czech Republic
Hunting is an integral part of the history of the Czech Republic. Its traditions, which many local hunters still observe today, originated in the 11th century, so, unsurprisingly, this activity is still being given great attention at all levels. There are dozens of laws in the Czech Republic that regulate the process of shooting animals. Some rules and regulations allow foreigners to import weapons, ammunition, and individual elements of hunting equipment and export the obtained trophies from the country. All this enables local authorities to control the actions of hunters and turn their favorite pastime into a safe event for wildlife. First, all foreigners who come to hunt in the Czech Republic need to know the rules for entering the country. They are pretty simple, so even residents of other continents can quickly legally obtain the right to cross the border. Because the Czech Republic is a country in the Schengen zone, most citizens of the European Union, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand can enter its territory without needing a visa. It should be remembered that this rule only applies if the hunter will stay in the Czech Republic for no more than 90 days.
The most challenging process for hunters who come to the Czech Republic is the correct execution of documents required for importing weapons, ammunition and some equipment items. In this matter, it is essential to start preparing at the planning stage of the trip. To do this, you should contact the outfitter who organizes hunting in the Czech Republic and provide him with detailed information about the weapons and cartridges. Based on this data, a special permit for temporarily importing the listed items of hunting equipment will be issued. This permit is personal; therefore, in cases where several people go hunting in the Czech Republic, each must issue the appropriate documentation for their weapons and cartridges.
Another document needed for hunting in the Czech Republic is a hunting license. It is issued in the country of residence of the hunter and is valid for a certain period. The latter feature forces everyone to monitor the document's validity and calculate its legitimacy for the entire stay in the Czech Republic. Also, all hunters will need a standard weapons permit, valid in any country. In the Czech Republic, as in most other countries, you can only shoot animals during a specific period. Hunting seasons for different game types last quite a long time, so each hunter can choose the best time to hold the event. It should also be considered that you can hunt some of the most common animals all year round. By choosing them as the primary target, local and visiting hunters can forget the need to adhere to the seasonality rule. There are many hunting grounds in the Czech Republic where hunting for specific animals will be legal. In this regard, the country has strict penalties for shooting various representatives of the fauna in places prohibited for this. Fines for violating prohibitions are very high, so you should choose the locations as carefully as possible. In addition, it is essential to monitor changes in the country's legislation, which can sometimes be radical.
Exporting trophies from the Czech Republic also requires compliance with specific rules. They are approximately the same as in other countries, so there should be no problems executing the necessary documentation. However, you need to carefully fill out various papers or provide this work to the outfitter who organized the hunt in the Czech Republic.

Best places for hunting
There is a place to hunt in the Czech Republic. Almost all over its territory, you can find excellent hunting grounds where various species of animals and birds live. Among the many available places, you should choose the most popular ones. This is where you can have a great time and get a chance to get a valuable trophy.

South Bohemia
Everyone who visits South Bohemia is guaranteed an excellent hunt. This region of the Czech Republic is a true paradise for hunters, as it has countless hunting grounds where you can get the trophy of your dreams. The best places for hunting in South Bohemia should be near the Vltava River. Its banks are covered with deciduous and coniferous forests, inhabited by many animals and birds. Shooting at them will be attractive for beginners and professionals, so unforgettable emotions are guaranteed to everyone.
In South Bohemia, the most popular hunting species are deer and roe deer. They live here in large numbers, and finding a good trophy is quite easy. Several species of waterfowl also top the popularity rating. They are found not only on the Vltava River but also in small reservoirs throughout the region.
South Bohemia can give a hunter much more than just the opportunity to shoot animals. While doing what you love, everyone can enjoy the beauty of wild nature and take photos against the backdrop of magnificent landscapes. After the hunt, you can go to a nearby town to taste the famous Czech beer, try local delicacies and listen to street musicians. On an unsuitable day for hunting, everyone will have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the architectural landmarks of South Bohemia, most of which are of historical value not only for the Czech Republic but for the whole of Europe.

South Moravia
In the Czech Republic, there is a region called South Moravia. It has a favorable geographical position, as it borders many areas of the country and Austria and Slovakia. This feature makes it an attractive place for travelers and hunters from neighboring countries. Hunting in South Moravia is one of the primary forms of entertainment. The region has many hunting grounds where various game can be found.
Most of the places suitable for hunting are occupied by deciduous forests. There are also hilly areas that are an ideal place for mouflon. They are considered the main species in South Moravia, attracting hunters' attention from different countries and continents. In addition to mouflon, the region is home to many species of ungulates and various small game. There are not as many birds in South Moravia as in South Bohemia. At the same time, such popular species as pheasants and ducks are found almost everywhere.
Most people who come to hunt in South Moravia stay in the city of Brno. It is one of the largest in the Czech Republic, and getting to various hunting grounds from it is straightforward. Brno itself also has a lot to see. Several magnificent cathedrals and other architectural masterpieces can be seen in the city. In the vicinity of South Moravia's capital, hunters can see many natural attractions on their free days.

Central Bohemia
Central Bohemia offers wide hunting opportunities. This region is the largest in the Czech Republic and one of the leaders in the number of available hunting grounds. A wide variety of animals can be found on its territory, most of which can become excellent trophy trophies.
Central Bohemia boasts a variety of terrain. Plains and hills are equally common here, which creates ideal conditions for the habitation of various species of animals. Several large rivers and dozens of smaller bodies of water also facilitate this. The diversity of ecosystems allows hunters to choose the optimal hunting location and priority game independently. The latter are most often mouflon, roe deer, and wild boar. Hunting for waterfowl is also popular in Central Bohemia. Regardless of the chosen location and method of hunting, everyone can enjoy the process and achieve good results.
The administrative center of Central Bohemia is the city of Prague. It will be a great starting point from where you can reach any hunting grounds in just a few hours. Also, in this city, considered one of the most beautiful in Europe, you can spend your days off from hunting. This will only improve the overall impression of the trip to the Czech Republic and make it truly special.

Vysocina is ideal for hunting at any time of year. This region, with the administrative center in Jihlava, is known for its mild climate, which is not too hot in summer and cold in winter. This feature allows hunters to come to Vysocina whenever they want and not wait for optimal weather conditions.
Vysocina is a hilly region with many large rivers and small streams. Its territory includes coniferous and deciduous forests, as well as spacious meadows. Such a diversity of landscapes allows many animals to feel comfortable in Vysocina. Some become the main hunting objects for residents and visitors from other countries. Among all the species, the most popular among hunters are wild boars. There are so many here that the chances of returning from hunting empty-handed will be minimal, even for a beginner. In addition to wild boars, roe deer, fallow deer, mouflon, hares, and ducks are often found in Vysocina.
Vysocina is one of the most beautiful regions of the Czech Republic. Many natural and architectural attractions will allow every hunter to take many excellent photos and get maximum visual pleasure from viewing all these objects. In the region's administrative center, the city of Jihlava, you will find everything you need for a comfortable stay and a pleasant pastime. Hunters will also find many specialized stores where you can buy missing hunting equipment.
Hradec Kralove
This famous Czech region with the capital of the same name, Hradec Kralove, will become a favorite place for most hunters who visit it. Here, everyone can do their favorite thing and have a good time with like-minded people.
Hradec Kralove is known for its diverse terrain. On its territory, mountains alternate with lowlands, allowing different ecosystems to form. Dozens of animal species can be hunted comfortably and successfully reproduce there. Among them, ungulates are the favorites of local and visiting hunters. They are found in almost all parts of the region, so a good hunt is guaranteed for everyone. Hradec Kralove also has many wild boars, small mammals and different types of birds.
In addition to hunting, there will be something to do in Hradec Kralove. The region's capital is a historical center, so its territory has many architectural monuments. Anyone who takes a break from hunting for at least one day can see them with their own eyes. If the hunter's calendar does not include breaks, he can enjoy wild nature's beauty and diversity every day.

Popular types of game animals
There are more than 70 species of mammals and almost 430 species of birds in the Czech Republic. Most of them can become valuable trophies for any novice or experienced hunter. Among such a variety of games, several popular species stand out, which most often become the main objects of hunting.

Most hunters who come to the Czech Republic consider mouflon hunting their primary goal. This fantastic animal lives in large numbers in the country and can be hunted almost anywhere. In the Czech Republic, mouflons are considered unique animals. It was in this country that most of the most prominent individuals of this species were shot.
Mouflons are nothing more than mountain sheep. They are distinguished by their large size and strongly curved horns. The latter is considered the most desirable trophy of any hunter in the Czech Republic. To get it, you need to put in much effort. Mouflons live in places that are difficult for humans to access and are extremely cautious. The combination of these two components makes the hunter's task very difficult, so attempts to shoot the animal are made mainly by professionals.
The most valuable individuals are considered old mouflons. They have the largest sizes and massive horns. Such individuals are loners. They rarely join the general herd, which is why it is tough to find them. The mouflon hunting season in the Czech Republic is open from September to January. However, the most excellent chances of getting a trophy appear at the beginning of winter. There are different ways to hunt mouflon in the Czech Republic. You must shoot the animal from a long distance, which requires the appropriate weapon and good optics.

Among the many game animals, the deer deserves special attention from hunters. In the Czech Republic, it is second in importance only to the mouflon and often becomes an excellent prey. In various hunting grounds scattered throughout the country, you can find and shoot several species of deer. The most desired trophy is most often the Red deer. Hunting for this species in the Czech Republic is allowed from the beginning of August to mid-January. Such an extended period will enable hunters to try different day or night hunting methods and get several status trophies during the season. The optimal time for getting the Red deer is considered to be September.
Another popular species is the Manchurian sika deer. This animal was brought to the Czech Republic quite a long time ago. Here, it adapted to local conditions and began to reproduce actively. Thanks to this, hunters have the opportunity to get such a trophy. The hunting season for the Manchurian sika deer is open for almost half a year. Males can be shot from August to the end of December and females from July to mid-January.
The third popular species is the White-tailed deer. This animal was also brought to the Czech Republic and adapted to life in the local ecosystem. There are many individuals in the country so that anyone can hunt them. The time and hunting methods for the White-tailed deer are the same as for the Manchurian sika deer.

Roe deer and fallow deer
The roe deer is one of the most popular game animals in the Czech Republic. It is not the most challenging opponent, so even beginners can hunt it. Roe deer can be found almost throughout the entire territory of the Czech Republic. The hunting season for this animal opens at the end of May and closes at the end of September. Most often, this time is enough to make several successful trips into the forest to get prey. It is best to hunt roe deer with a decoy. With its help, it is easy to lure individuals of a particular sex, thanks to which you can shoot from a relatively short distance.
Those who hunt roe deer can quickly switch their attention to fallow deer. This ungulate is also considered easy prey, suitable even for beginners. The hunting season for fallow deer in the Czech Republic opens on the first days of September, after which you can legally shoot individuals of this species until the end of the year. You can use various hunting methods to get a good trophy. With the right approach to the matter, all of them will be effective and make it possible to achieve the desired result.

Wild boar
Many hunters' favorite prey is the wild boar. Hunting gives unforgettable emotions, and the meat obtained becomes a beautiful reward for the time spent. Wild boars are considered pests in the Czech Republic, as in most other European countries. They spoil the harvest in the fields, destroy various plants and do many other bad things for humans. In combination with rapid reproduction, wild boars threaten the existence of agriculture in some regions of the Czech Republic. In this regard, hunting these animals becomes not only a pleasant but also a helpful activity. The wild boar hunting season is open all year round in the Czech Republic. This allows hunters to do their favorite thing regardless of the time of year. In this regard, wild boars are real saviors. Their presence in the forests of the Czech Republic allows hunting in those months when shooting most other games is prohibited by law. To get a good trophy, you can use any hunting method. You should look for the most prominent individuals in open areas (usually in fields) with enough food. They can also be found near small freshwater bodies.

Game birds
In the Czech Republic, you can successfully hunt animals and birds. They are found on all hunting grounds, and there are no overly strict bans on shooting them. The most popular feathered game is pheasants. They have lived in the Czech Republic for a long time and feel extremely comfortable. This species reproduces quickly and does not have problems with survival. You can hunt pheasants from the beginning of November to the end of December. With proper preparation and hunting experience, you can get several dozen birds in one event.
The duck is an equally popular bird that Czechs and all foreigners love to hunt. As with pheasants, this species reproduces quickly and easily adapts to new conditions. This makes duck hunting possible almost throughout the entire territory of the Czech Republic. Shooting these birds from the first days of September to the end of November is legal. At this time, ducks are less active than in spring or summer, so it will be pretty easy to get many trophies. At the same time, you should always know your limits and not kill birds just for your pleasure.

Valuable tips for hunters in the Czech Republic
Anyone can hunt in the Czech Republic. To do this, it is enough to legally bring weapons, ammunition and the necessary equipment into the country and choose a suitable location. Among the many available options, it is recommended to select hunting grounds, which the Czechs call "honestly". They are improved areas of forests or fields where ideal conditions are created for the residence and reproduction of various games. These places are often massive, so hunters will have a place to do their favorite thing. As an alternative, you should consider the so-called "body". They are a protected area fenced on all sides, where hunters can control certain species' populations. Of course, such places have many restrictions, but if you are ready to comply with them, you are guaranteed to enjoy the hunt. If this option does not suit you, then it remains to choose some private territories, the owners of which allow hunting for the game found there. Hunting in the Czech Republic is not just entertainment but an actual ritual you should carefully prepare. To do this, it is essential to study the existing laws in advance and familiarize yourself with the rules in force in a particular region. In addition, you should prepare various equipment that will help you get the desired trophy. Specific attention should be paid to camouflage. Like most European countries, hunters in the Czech Republic prefer classic camouflage patterns in green and gray tones. They are the ones that best disguise the hunter in most available locations. There are many animals and birds in the Czech Republic. Most of them can become prey for a hunter, but you must make maximum effort and show all your hunting skills. If you are going to the Czech Republic for large trophies, it is recommended to do this in mid-autumn or early winter. At this time, the hunting season for most ungulates is open. For hunting small game, it is best to choose the period from late September to early December. It is now possible to shoot the maximum number of small mammals (for example, hares, squirrels, etc.). Hunting for different types of birds is available almost all year round. In this regard, hunters can choose the right time to visit the Czech Republic.
For beginners, we recommend choosing fallow deer as the primary hunting object. This animal lives in huge numbers throughout the Czech Republic and is much easier to shoot than other ungulate mammals. Experienced hunters are best off choosing more challenging opponents. These most often include birds, deer, mouflon, and wild boar. If your team contains beginners and professionals, the best option would be to hunt the listed representatives of the fauna in turn.
You should be prepared for various weather surprises when hunting in the Czech Republic. In the spring, this country often has cold weather, which lasts until the beginning of summer. Precipitation is expected at this time of year, which is essential when planning a hunt. In the summer, the weather in the Czech Republic stabilizes. Cold weather is replaced by warm weather, which periodically turns into heat. Rain in June and July is sporadic, but the amount increases significantly in August. It is often accompanied by thunderstorms and strong gusts of wind, which can turn hunting into a real test of strength. The beginning of autumn in the Czech Republic is a full-fledged continuation of summer. The weather is usually warm in September, but there is no longer excessive heat. The first frosts are observed from mid-October to early November. Snow often falls at the end of autumn. Winter in the Czech Republic is known for its changeable weather. Relatively warm days are replaced by severe cold, and predicting such changes often becomes quite difficult. In this regard, hunters who choose winter must be prepared for constant temperature and weather fluctuations.
Hunting is one of the primary forms of entertainment in the Czech Republic. There are dozens of excellent hunting grounds in this country where you can do what you love and not harm wildlife. After carefully reading our article and studying in detail all the features of this process, everyone can enjoy the general fun and appreciate the magnificence of hunting in the Czech Republic. We are sure you will get unforgettable emotions from this and return home with a good trophy.

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