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Digest of optics technologies - what to expect in 2025.

September 30, 2024


Digest of optics technologies - what to expect in 2025. - September 30, 2024

Modern technologies are rapidly changing our world. What seemed like science fiction just a few years ago is now widely used worldwide. This is especially noticeable in the field of night and thermal imaging optics. This area is developing extremely quickly, so we are presented with some interesting new products almost every month. In our guide, we will tell you about the impact of optical technologies on everyday life, critical areas of modernization and prospects for further development. We will also separately discuss the most anticipated innovations presented in 2025.

Optical technologies in the modern world

Popular devices
Developing such optical technologies as thermal imaging and night vision has made it possible to create several valuable devices. All of them are popular among military and civilians, helping them cope with various everyday tasks. The list of the most popular devices always includes night vision goggles. They are universal optics equally well suited for representatives of all professions. Such glasses are fixed on the user's head, freeing up the hands to perform specific work. They are as light and compact as possible, which allows you to avoid discomfort during their use. The image formed by the glasses appears before the user's eyes without visible delays, thanks to which it is possible to see everything that happens in the dark in real-time.
Binoculars and night vision monoculars are alternatives to glasses. They are also relatively small, have a more comprehensive functionality and allow you to see in the dark over long distances. Unlike glasses, binoculars and monoculars must be held in your hand. This slightly limits the user's actions and deprives him of the opportunity to observe and do any work simultaneously. Many advantages completely cover this disadvantage. In addition to the previously mentioned small dimensions, binoculars and monoculars are distinguished by their ability to work effectively in any external conditions. Most modern models protect against moisture, impacts and exposure to high/low temperatures. Due to this, they are suitable for most military personnel and representatives of various civilian professions. All of the above can be said about thermal imaging binoculars/monoculars. They also greatly benefit people and help them see even in cases where standard night vision devices are useless (for example, in complete darkness).
A popular night optics is a sight. It is used mainly by military personnel. However, in some situations, it can be helpful for police officers, security guards, and hunters. Night vision sights, as a rule, have an increased range. They can form a clear and detailed image even in a meager light. In complete darkness, they are ideally replaced by thermal imaging sights, allowing you to aim and shoot with minimal misses effectively. Modern versions of both types of devices are compact, easy to use and can work properly in any environment. This makes them popular and widely used nowadays.
Thermal imaging cameras and night vision cameras close the list of popular devices that use various optical technologies. Both are widely used in multiple fields of activity. They often become part of security systems, thanks to which it is possible to monitor a protected area, your own home, individual units of machines and mechanisms, various communications, etc., around the clock. Such cameras are often tiny in size and have minimal weight. This makes it possible to install them almost anywhere and make them invisible to prying eyes. Modern models of such devices have a minimum of disadvantages. Due to this, they are actively used under any conditions and to achieve many goals.
Application areas
Optical technologies play an essential role in the modern world. They are used in various fields of activity, each bringing significant benefits to people. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the military industry. There, night and thermal imaging optics are an indispensable attribute of military personnel of all units. It was initially created specifically for the needs of the military, so even today, all the best that exists in the world of optical technologies first goes to the army and only then becomes available to civilians. Today's models help military personnel hone their skills and master the skills of conducting combat operations in the dark. They are also used to assess the enemy's capabilities, coordinate the unit's actions, plan certain events, and much more.
Modern optical technologies are indispensable in search and rescue operations. Various thermal imagers and night vision devices help to search for missing people, get them out from under the rubble, save them from fire and water and much more. Modern optics models work effectively even in extreme conditions, so they are ideal. Another area of ​​application of optical technologies is the automotive industry. Here, thermal imaging equipment and night vision devices become part of safety systems. With their help, drivers who drive at night receive maximum information about other vehicles, pedestrians, and road obstacles, which helps reduce the likelihood of accidents and other troubles. Thermal imaging and night vision technologies are also actively used to create unmanned vehicles that can completely replace future human-controlled cars.
Night vision and thermal imaging technologies also help people in medicine. Here, they are used in various equipment intended for diagnostic measures. With the help of modern optical technologies, it is possible to identify many dangerous diseases at early stages, which increases a person's chances of recovery. Gradually, thermal imaging and night vision will be integrated into most areas of medicine, significantly improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Optical technologies are also actively used in aviation. They are implemented in control systems for various aircraft components and help pilots operate aircraft safely.
Optical technologies available today are an important component of the effective work of law enforcement agencies and various security organizations. With the help of modern equipment, it is possible to see violators in the dark, identify them and bring them to justice. Thermal imaging optics and night vision devices also prevent any attempts to enter a protected area and commit illegal actions.
Optical technologies are also in demand in such activities as hunting, fishing, and birdwatching. In the first of these, various devices help to detect animals in the dark, accurately determine their species, aim and shoot with a minimum probability of missing. When night fishing, optical technologies will help monitor gear in places where minimal light penetrates, choose the optimal movement route on water or along the coastal area, and much more. Night and thermal imaging optics will allow birdwatching enthusiasts to observe birds that lead a nocturnal lifestyle. Optical technologies are prevalent even in sports. They are used during competitions held under artificial lighting. With the help of modern optics, judges monitor compliance with the rules, and coaches monitor the actions of their charges. Optical technologies are most in demand in airsoft, paintball, biathlon, cycling, and car and motorcycle racing. Directions for the Development of Optical Technologies
The main problem with most devices that use various optical technologies is their narrow specialization. They are ideal for performing certain tasks or working in specific external conditions but are useless in most other situations. This drawback must be eliminated shortly. This can be achieved by universalizing the devices produced. Manufacturers must create them by considering the possibility of operation in any environmental conditions and making them suitable for performing many tasks. This direction of development of optical technologies is a priority today, and special attention will be paid to it shortly.

Modern thermal imagers and night vision device manufacturers strive to create optics that will use both popular technologies. Specific successes have already been achieved in this direction, but the desired result is still far away. Shortly, models will increasingly appear in which thermal imaging will complement classic night vision. This will help make the devices more versatile and suitable for performing dozens of simple and complex tasks. Also, the compatibility of technologies will expand the range of applications of night optics. In this case, it will become more useful for military personnel and civilians, as it can form a more informative image.

Implementation of AI
Nowadays, it has become fashionable to use the capabilities of artificial intelligence. It is being implemented in various fields of activity and the work of dozens of modern devices. Developers of night optics do not ignore AI either. They assign artificial intelligence the role of a corrector of the final image, which is displayed on the device's display. Thanks to the capabilities of AI, it is possible to eliminate various defects, increase clarity and adjust the brightness of the picture. This makes it more detailed and adapted for perception by the human eye. At the same time, developers of thermal imaging equipment and night vision devices are not going to stop there. They plan to give artificial intelligence new tasks it can theoretically cope with. Due to this, integrating AI into optical technologies will only accelerate, and humanity will be able to receive certain benefits.

Simplification and acceleration of work The key direction of development of any technology is simplification and acceleration of all processes. Optical technology is no exception to this rule. New thermal imaging devices and models with classic night vision are created yearly, becoming more accessible and faster to operate. This trend will continue for a long time, so the attention paid to the direction described by optics manufacturers will not decrease. On the contrary, competing with each other, companies will strive to surprise customers with the most straightforward and easy-to-use devices that can respond to user commands faster than competitors' models.

Increasing reliability
The design features of modern devices that use various optical technologies do not allow them to become super-reliable equipment. This problem has existed for several years, and all manufacturers are actively working on a solution. To do this, they develop updated versions of various design elements, use more modern materials in production, increase the costs of testing models and much more. All this gradually improves the situation and makes new devices more reliable than NVDs of previous versions. In the future, even more attention will be paid to the issues of optics reliability, which will make it possible to achieve the set goals gradually.

Improving image quality
Until recently, one of the main problems of thermal imagers and night vision devices was the low quality of the image given to the user. Nowadays, developers have managed to correct the situation. They used the capabilities of the previously mentioned artificial intelligence and made certain adjustments to the design of various optics. All this made it possible to eliminate most defects and achieve high image quality. At the same time, there is no limit to perfection, so work in this direction continues. Shortly, new solutions will appear to help further improve the picture's quality, making it more precise and detailed. If such results are achieved, then optical technologies can be introduced into those areas of activity where this aspect is critical.

Expanding functionality
Upgrading devices, including those that support various optical technologies, is most often aimed at improving performance and expanding functionality. The emergence of new options immediately opens up new horizons for users and makes it possible to introduce optics into more industries. Now, manufacturers of thermal imagers and night vision Priors are actively working to provide access to new functions. This process is quite complex and requires some time. However, there is no doubt that the developers can achieve their goals. Much attention will be paid to expanding functionality in the future, so there is reason to expect many exciting innovations.

Increasing availability
The development of optical technologies requires significant financial investments, so various equipment costs are always high. It is tricky to solve this problem and increase the availability of devices now, but it will be possible to achieve this in the future. The fact is that competition among manufacturers of thermal imagers and night vision Priors is growing every year. It will undoubtedly force companies to reduce the cost of their products to retain customers. This process will be pretty slow, so profound changes should be expected only by the end of the current decade.

What innovations should we expect in 2025?
Creation of an ultra-thin IR filter
The most anticipated new product of 2025 is the ultra-thin IR filter. It was developed at the ARC Centre of Excellence (Australia) by scientists working on night vision technologies. This filter is unique because it is fragile (according to the developers, it does not exceed the thickness of cling film). Due to this, it is easily attached to ordinary glasses, and in various night vision devices, it significantly reduces the structure's weight. Such an IR filter will allow users to observe the infrared and visible light spectrum simultaneously.
According to published data, the new development will improve the existing light conversion technology. It will use a metasurface not from the well-known gallium arsenide but from non-local lithium niobate. It is characterized by maximum transparency, which will significantly increase the metasurface's efficiency. Another significant difference will be the ability to distribute the photon flow over a larger surface. This will decrease angular losses, and even at the edges, the picture will be of the highest quality.
During the experiments, the new ultra-thin IR filter demonstrated its capabilities perfectly. It provided high efficiency of light flux conversion and helped improve the final picture's quality. At the same time, scientists continue their experiments. Shortly, they plan to increase the sensitivity of devices with an ultra-thin IR filter, thereby expanding the wave range they perceive. Theoretically, such a change will help obtain a broadband infrared image and make it possible to develop night optics further. Experiments with the new IR filter will continue until the end of this year, so the official presentation of the new product is expected in 2025.
If the project is successfully implemented, ordinary users will have a wider choice of options for using night optics. The new IR filter will become even more compact and easy to use, and the weight of various devices will also be significantly reduced. All this will make the latest product in demand for civilians and the military sphere. In the future, the ultra-thin IR filter could be put on ordinary glasses. If this happens, the user will be able to notice the visible light spectrum and the infrared spectrum.

Implementation of IVAS
A landmark event for the entire US Armed Forces is expected in 2025. After many years of development and extensive testing, the implementation of IVAS version 1.2 is planned. This visual augmentation system is a unique augmented reality glasses designed for the needs of infantrymen. They should allow the soldier to see various information in front of his eyes, including a terrain map, allied location marks, and much more. The new glasses will also display the data necessary for controlling drones and allow infantrymen to fire from cover (they will show information from cameras mounted on weapons). Another essential feature of IVAS 1.2 is night vision mode. It can be activated and deactivated as quickly as possible, allowing soldiers to select the optimal equipment operation constantly.
IVAS 1.2 is currently the newest version of the system. It includes such key design elements as a radio transmitter, night vision and thermal imaging sensors, a 60-degree field of view display, a computer known as a "puck", and three batteries. All of them ensure the normal functioning of the device and simplify the interaction between soldiers. Currently, IVAS 1.2 is not the lightest equipment. It weighs 1.5 kg and will be challenging to wear on your head for a long time. Currently, the developers are trying to correct this shortcoming and bring the weight to the planned 1.3 kg.
The main advantage of IVAS 1.2 is its software. It is now being tested during training battles and works perfectly. However, the developers continue to improve their product. They are gradually refining the software and expanding the functionality available to soldiers. The plans include adding tips to the existing capabilities to help provide medical care, conduct more accurate shooting, evaluate the unit's and each infantryman's work, and much more.
The IVAS 1.2 project is currently in its final stages. The system is tested under various conditions, and based on the data obtained, certain adjustments are made to its operation. Full use of IVAS 1.2 is planned for 2025.

Expansion of the ENVG-B program
In 2025, the emergence and implementation of various innovative developments in optical technologies are expected, as well as the expansion of related programs. One of them is ENVG-B. As part of this program's next stage (designed for 2024-2025), it is planned to spend more than $ 250 million on the release of improved models of night vision goggles and binoculars. They are military-grade optical devices that were developed specifically for the needs of the US Army. Testing of goggles-binoculars began in 2018, and their first use in combat conditions took place in 2021. Improved versions of these devices are being developed and produced and are planned to be fully used in 2025.
The night vision devices produced under the ENVG-B program have one crucial feature. They simultaneously use thermal imaging and image amplification technology, significantly expanding the range of applications of such optics. Soldiers can operate unique goggles and binoculars in three modes. In the first, they will work as regular NVDs with a third-generation electron-optical converter; in the second, as thermal imagers; and in the third, as universal devices capable of combining thermal imaging and standard night vision.
Goggles-binoculars consist of 4 essential components. These include the device, helmet positioning and mounting units, and a battery pack. The latter is not installed in the optics housing but is attached to the back of the user's helmet. This solution allows shifting the center of gravity and reducing the load on the soldier's neck. The device housing contains a vital design element: an IR illuminator. It is intended for the user to inspect various objects (for example, weapons, a paper map, the screen of some other device, etc.).

Commissioning of the RVS 2.0 system
The modern RVS 2.0 system is scheduled to be commissioned in 2025. It is an improved version of RVS 1.0, which the US Air Force has used for many years to perform the procedure of refueling aircraft in the air. The new system has received several updates, making its operation more efficient. The main change was the introduction of night vision devices that use modern optical technologies and make refueling possible in the dark. Previously, RVS 1.0 did not have night optics, which greatly limited the time for this operation. RVS 2.0 was equipped with two cameras mounted directly on the boom (a unique telescopic tube fixed under the fuselage in the tail section and used to supply fuel from tanker aircraft to military fighters) and can effectively operate day and night. They replaced two of the five previously existing cameras, significantly expanding the available period of operation of the entire system.
Theoretically, RVS 2.0 will allow the boom operator to see what is happening from any point on the tanker aircraft. This will be possible thanks to a unique 3D display on board, capable of transmitting high-quality video from cameras and creating a presence effect. This feature will simplify the operator's task and make it possible to perform night refueling quickly. The RVS 2.0 project is nearing completion. Its implementation took much longer than planned (19 months more), but in the end, the system's creators achieved their goal. If no negative changes occur in the remaining time, the new RVS 2.0 system will be implemented in October 2025.

Development prospects for the next decade
Today, optical technologies are developing at the fastest rate. However, they are still far from their peak. This is confirmed by the fact that exciting innovations in thermal imaging and night vision appear every year, which change our understanding of optical technologies. Modern models cannot be called the standard, so there is no doubt that they will be modernized many times.
In the next ten years, many changes will occur. They will affect all aspects, from the approach to producing various optics to the quality of the resulting image. Gradual modernization of devices that support night vision and thermal imaging technology will enable another breakthrough in 10 years. Its positive consequences will expand the scope of the application of optical technologies and further integrate them into our daily lives. Among the priority areas of development for the next decade will be the universalization of devices, increasing the influence of AI on the operation of various optics and increasing the availability of manufactured models.
Active development of optical technologies has been going on for several years, and it is too early to talk about reaching a particular peak. The most significant changes are happening at night and thermal imaging optics, which are gradually becoming indispensable in our daily lives. The devices and systems created change our understanding of many things and make us admire various innovations again. This process will continue for quite a long time, so 2025 will be just another stage of development. Nevertheless, it will give us many exciting things and a reason to be once again convinced of the bright future of optical technologies.

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